Functionalities and applications of CyberMotion systems in the entertainment industry
Advanced motion control systems have revolutionized the entertainment industry, enabling dynamic performances through precise lifting, rolling, and pitching movements. These systems translate a show designer’s vision into seamless, fluid actions that captivate audiences.
Integrated motion control
Fully integrated systems calculate and communicate each connected item’s movement, ensuring the smoothest, fastest, and most accurate repetitive object transitions. This technology allows for complex 2D and 3D movements with absolute precision, offering full creative freedom for show designers.
High-performance winches and hoists
High-performance winches and intelligent motion control chain hoists are designed to meet the most demanding entertainment needs. These devices move with incredible speed and precision, enabling complex movements and dynamic performances in various entertainment settings.
Track and trolley systems
Track and trolley systems provide unlimited flexibility through self-supporting aluminum track profiles and compact all-in-one trolley designs. These systems enable versatile movements and are easy to integrate into various show setups, maximizing creative freedom for designers.
Power distribution solutions
Essential power distribution sources are specifically created for global touring needs, ensuring reliable and consistent power supply to support the performance of all connected equipment. This reliability is crucial for the seamless execution of dynamic performances in different locations worldwide.